Jessica—for what it’s worth I think you’re a terrific writer and I wish I had your real name so I can read your book. I’ve been on the platform for a long time and few people appreciate my work and publishers (traditional ones) have given up on me because I’m too weird, too dark, not commercial enough, too much of a blunt asshole, etc.
I say all of this because I too felt defeated (and often do). I try to remember to write to write and the people who love my work are the reward and everyone else is a fucking idiot.
I find a lot of people desire simple, positive, non-threatening fluff and work that doesn’t fit that mold is attacked. I see the work that blows up here and I continue to be baffled.
Maybe that helps? I don’t know. But you’re GOOD and sheep often want to smother those that are that good or prove a danger to them. I say, be the wolf. Write to tear their throats out (metaphorically speaking, of course).