I’m confused by your comment.
I never proclaimed to be an expert in anything but creative writing and marketing. I mention my experience because it makes me that much more empathic toward victims. That’s it. I believe I made that explicit in my essay, however, if you can point me to the exact place where I said I was an expert in sexual harassment and Lively’s experience in particular, I will amend it.
I’m allowed to have an opinion (as this is an opinion piece—not an article) and you’re allowed to disagree. That’s fine. I’m basing my opinion on all the current legal information, not what’s going on on TikTok. I’ve read all publicly available legal documents and I don’t believe retaliation or SH has been proven. Yet, as I stated several times in my piece we don’t have all the intel until the trial starts. I’m so confused why we’re not “allowed” to have an opinion when it differs from another woman’s. Would I be receiving this comment if I wrote a pro-Blake essay?
Third, my essay is not completely one-sided. Do I have a strong opinion? Yes. But I mention on several occasions that we don’t have all the facts yet to truly decide. I’m confused how you missed all of that.
I’m honestly getting frustrated that people are attacking others, calling them shills, labeling them victims of a one-sided campaign—as if we can’t think for ourselves. I’ve read all the legal documents, line by line. I believe Baldoni. If there is evidence in court that disputes that, I’ll change my mind. Simple as that. I’m not tethered to any one celebrity or any one gender—I’m tethered to the truth.