I have the utmost respect for receptionists because they are the front lines of a business and their work is often multi-dimensional, and I’m so sorry people don’t give it the reverence and importance it deserves.
My only comment was with regard to your note on novelists — which was a male-dominated field until this past decade. Up until the past ten years, men were still leading in critics, publishing (traditional/reference books and literary publications), and reviews. It’s only recently that we’ve seen an uptick in work published by women in literary magazines, critical journals (LRB & NYRB still woefully feature men), and dominating the awards circuit. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/01/where-women-make-blockbusters/604867/
I also found it a bit odd to see novelists on this list, as I don’t consider the arts a form of submission. Service, for sure — maybe this is why it’s mentioned?
That’s why VIDA launched — to keep a count of women represented in the arts. Thankfully, it’s gotten better in publishing.
Cheers, Felicia