Hey Kimberly,
I'm going to give you advice a writer gave me twenty years ago when I was young, ambitious, and wanting to be the best writer I could be.
The advice couldn't be more difficult or simple. Read, read everything you can get your hands on. Read outside your comfort zone. Read outside of Medium because what is published here (not all, as there are some real gems here) has an agenda to get clicks, make money, etc.
Then write, write and write some more. Practice. Embarrass yourself. Fail and fail better, as Samuel Beckett once wrote. Have people read your work who understand helping a writer isn't about whether they love the story or not (that's a matter of taste), it's the advice that moves you forward.
And finally, you don't want to write like me. You want to write like YOU. You have to figure out (as I did) what that is.
Hope that helps, f.