PinnedPublished inHuman PartsFour Below the FloorA story about a pharmacist, the girls he kept in a basement, and a teenager on the verge.Jun 4, 202010Jun 4, 202010
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Published inMaster Writing MechanicsI Don’t Want to Write AnymoreSocial media exhausts me. No one reads. So, why bother?Mar 621Mar 621
We Live in a Land of TakersStop digging through someone’s wallet and give without expectation.Mar 18Mar 18
A Filthy Home Isn’t The Flex You Think It Is“Get ready for my CPS visit!” — actual words spoken by a human.Feb 2515Feb 2515
We Really Need to Talk About WomenAre we really in this together? Or are the deepest cuts the call coming from inside the house?Feb 2434Feb 2434
Even If You Hate People, You Still Need a CommunityHow shy introverts can cultivate a trusted professional wolf pack.Feb 1344Feb 1344